It is better to be prepared than to be surprised

8 Unique Challenges Ministry Marriages Face

Practical Help for Pastoral Couples

Dr. McKay Caston
14 min readSep 26, 2019


Marriage Challenges

Every vocation provides challenges to marriage. Whether it is the demand of long hours, the accumulation of stress from on the job conflict, or the schedule disorienting impact of shift work, marriage is impacted by any and every field of employment.

Pastoral ministry presents challenges, too. Unique challenges.

Whether you are married and considering pastoral ministry or an unmarried pastor who is thinking about taking the plunge, it is better to be prepared for these challenges than to be surprised by them.

If you are ready for a wild ride into the wonderfully surreal world of “the ministry marriage,” let’s look at eight challenges you will face along the way.

NOTE: My ecclesiastical tradition reserves the pastoral role for males. If your context allows women to serve as pastors, just substitute husband for wife, or whatever fits your context.

Challenge #1 — Ministry and Marriage May Become Unseen Rivals



Dr. McKay Caston

I create resources to help folks tether their lives to the cross of the risen and reigning Jesus |